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The South of England Basset Hound Club

Open Show Sunday 9th February 2020


Thanks must go to Kim Culyer-Dawson and her lovely committee for the invite to judge.  I really enjoyed my day at this well organised, friendly show, an atmosphere that is sadly missing at a lot nowadays.  The hospitality was second to none.   

Thanks to the exhibitors for allowing me the chance to go over your wonderful bassets. I found most of my exhibits in fine condition, eyes were good in shape with no obvious problems and I found nothing over exaggerated to speak of.




  1. Archers Roamanbay Reddy to Rumble, Red Blanket Male, 6 Mths old, well off for bone. Head is masculine & clean with correct expression. Ears of good length and texture. A nicely constructed hound with a level topline in good coat & condition. Stood alone in the class but thoroughly deserved his place.  Could not deny him RBD & BPIB.  A lad I’ll watch with interest in the future.




  1. Allchorne’s Nelgus Thyme Flies, R&W Male, 11 Mths, many of the same attributes as my puppy dog winner apply.  On the whole a handsome looking young male who just needs time to tighten up and settle.




  1. Price’s Wellsbayview Sorrento, Black blanket tri dog, 13 Months old who I have loved watching ringside in the past.  Masculine head, leathers well set, darkest of eyes, lovely expression. Ribs smooth and carried well back. Correct tailset and carriage. Moved out with excellent reach and drive.  Unfortunately in the challenge was slightly lame, much to my disappointment.

  2. Newman’s Woferlow Kylo Ren, attractive b/b tri 14 Mths old who is another credit to our breed.  This hound is of a smaller mould but everything fitted together nicely. Correct head with dark eye and scissor bite, level topline with correct tailset.  When settled he moves out well.  




  1. Gwyer’s Kortebin Dwarf King, Tri, 5 1/2 years old.  Nice masculine head with dark eye.  Adequate ribbing.  Moved well.




  1. Jones JWW18 Qubo Avaleur Du Sabre Met Clanwillow (Imp Bel)

Handsome R/W Male who is a lovely mover.  Headpiece nice with dark eye and correct bite.  Front assembly correct though would prefer a little more ground clearance under the chest.  Adequate ribbing, level topline and carried tail used correctly when on the move.




  1. Allchorne’s Nelgus Thyme Bomb JW Black blanket tri dog, 3 Years old who was definitely the mover of the day.  Correct masculine head, prominent occiput, leathers well set of correct texture, curling inwards. Darkest of eyes, gentle expression, scissor bite, muscular well arched neck and prominent pro sternum fitting neatly into crook.   Ribs smooth and carried well back. Correct tailset and carriage. Moved out with excellent reach and drive covering the ground effortlessly. This hound deserves his title in my opinion!  BD & RBOB. 

  2. Archer’s Malrich CasionRoyale At Roamanbay 7 ½ years old tri.  Showing his age now but still a Stallion hound with true breed type.  Lovely head and expression, topline carried well on the move.  Enjoyed his day out.  Lovely to watch.





  1. Jones Clanwillow Centenary Hope, 2 Yrs, r/w girl.  Feminine head, nice eye shape, long correctly placed leathers.  Good front, level topline and correct tailset.  Moved steadily.




  1. McLeans Switherland Final Chase At Stookewood, 7 Mths old R/W girl, typical puppy enjoying her day.  Feminine head, dark eye, moved around loving every minute.




  1. Allchorne’s Nelgus Spring Thyme, 11 Mths Old litter sister to PD Winner.  Same points apply.  Nice girl with everything in the correct place, just needs to tighten up.  One to watch.




  1. Turner’s Lauralee Don’t Stop Me Now Of Devonhound, just turned 1 year old R/W quality girl, this bitch caught my eye on first stack due to her lovely outline, feminine all over.  Gorgeous head with dark eye, well set inward curling leathers, strong neck leading into good lay of shoulder, long smooth ribcage extending well back, would prefer topline slightly stronger on the stack but this will come with maturity and confidence, strong muscular rear, powerful steady mover.  A future champion!!  I will follow this girls career with interest.    RBB

  2. Watkin’s Blackvein Enigma, R/W, 13 Months Old.  Larger girl with lots to like, attractive head with dark eye, low set leathers and scissor bite, decent forechest and straight front, would just prefer slightly better ground clearance.




  1. Archer’s Armardio Chicago Fire in Roamanbay, 18 Mth Old b/b tri girl of a smaller mould.  Nice head and expression, scissor bite and level topline held firmly on the move.  Well angulated, powerful rear producing lovely sound movement.  

  2. Jones Clanwillow Shining Bright, 20 Mth Old R/W, feminine head with dark eye, good shoulder placement, well ribbed and moved well.




  1. Allchorne’s Nelgus Cinnamon Spice, 3 Year Old tri lady with a feminine head and calm expression.  Really strong muscular neck, adequate layback of shoulder, long smooth ribs and carried a nice topline.  Moved out covering ground well.

  2. Steer’s Rosezest Sansa Stark, 3 Year Old tri girl with very typical head and dark eye.  Tidy front, tight elbows and well angulated rear.  Could easily have changed places with 1 on the day.  A really difficult decision.




  1. Newman’s Sedonia Cristal Rose, 3 Year Old R/W, typical bitch with lots to like. Not flashy in any way.  She had a nicely moulded, feminine head with calm expression, dark, correctly shaped eye and scissor bite. Her front is well constructed with a prominent pro sternum fitting neatly into crook and a really strong muscular neck, best layback of shoulder of the day, long smooth ribs and good tailset. Moved out covering ground well, not a powerhouse but to me one who is so ‘fit for purpose’ and could work all day. In the challenge for BEST IN SHOW she come into her own and on the final look her expression just had me hooked.  BB & BEST IN SHOW.

  2. Archer’s Roamanbay Red Hot Chilli Pepa, 3 ½ year old R/W. This girl has so many positive breed points but sadly will not carry her tail.  Stunning head, dark eye, strong neck and long, level topline.  Long smooth ribcage leading to well angulated strong rear.  Top Drawer bitch who would trouble the best if she got the confidence.



Vet Dog/Bitch


  1. Newmans Ch Woferlow Tinkerbell, 9 year old tri girl shown in excellent condition.  There is nothing I can say about this girl that could do her any justice.  Only three words ‘VERY WORTHY CHAMPION’.  BVIS.


Spec Members D/B


  1. Ch Wellbaysview Rock on Ruby, 2 Year Old Tri Girl, another very worthy Champion girl that I just could not fault.  Her head is absolutely stunning, textbook!  Correct neck and shoulders, long and level topline and well constructed rear.  She moves well fore and aft.  Loved her.



Roy Blevins


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