The South Of England Basset Hound Club

South of England Basset Hound Club Open Show
31st May 2024
Held in partnership with Southern Counties Canine Association Championship Show
Special Award Classes. Judge, Mrs Celia Mortlock, (Hertsmerry)
It was a long day for exhibitors that had entered the Championship Show, then the Open and then the Special Award Classes. Thank you for your patience.
Junior Dog/Bitch 3.
1 Allchorne’s Nelgus Lucky Charm. This bitch won her placing on her movement which was efficient, true with reach and drive. Correct head planes and dark eyes. Well placed shoulders, developed chest, level top line stacked and kept whilst on the move. Could have a little more spring of rib. Good hind quarters and bend of stifle.
2 Parke’s Bessalin Red Hot Chillie. I liked this dog for his breed type, substance and balance. It was hard to assess movement as it was untidy but when I could see it, he was sound coming and going. A houndy head with correct head planes and typical expression. Good shoulders, excellent chest, ribbing carried well back, good bend of stifle, well knuckled feet. Level top line. He had a little more ground clearance than 1.
3 Bufton’s Pretty Rose At Royalinne
Post Graduate Dog/Bitch 7 (3a)
1 Strudwick’s Armardio Ride Like The Wind Among Kumamatata JW. This dog won on his overall substance, balance and construction. His movement was true coming and going. Correct head planes, dark eyes and typical expression. Good shoulders, excellent chest, good bend of stifle and spring of rib, well knuckled feet. He covered the ground economically keeping a level topline.
2 Cooper’s Houndsbay Vito Andolini. A dog with a houndy, masculine head with correct planes and dark eyes. Good expression. Excellent chest, neck could be a little longer. Level top line stacked and kept whilst moving. Good hind quarters and bend of stifle. Good spring and length of ribbing. Not the shoulder placement of 1. Movement was true coming and going.
3 Parke’s Bessalin Aint Miss Behaving.
Open Dog/Bitch 5 (1a)
1 Pearson’s Armardio Wind Of Change JW. A bitch with excellent breed type, substance and balance. Correct head planes and lovely expression. Good neck and shoulders, excellent chest, good ribbing and hind quarters. Well knuckled feet. Level top line held whilst moving true, coming and going with reach and drive.
2 Grimshaw’s Malrich Hey Jude. A dog of considerable substance that moved with reach and drive covering the ground well. Correct head planes, dark eyes and typical expression. Good shoulders, excellent chest, ribbing carried well back. Top line not as firm as 1. Well knuckled feet.
3 Parke’s Bessalin L’Elsir D’amore. [ATC AY07384005]
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